Recognising the best of the digital PR and communications profession

  • Promote the industry – The PRCA Digital Awards 2024 will recognise the talent and impact of individuals, teams and campaigns from the best of the digital PR and communications profession.
  • Encourage your team – Shine the limelight on your team’s fantastic work and reward every member of your team that contributed
  • Make your mark – Display and celebrate your success over the last year and be recognised by the world’s largest PR association
  • Expand your network – Win new business and open opportunities for new clientele by rubbing shoulders with award-winning businesses

The PRCA Digital Awards 2024 will be judged by some of the biggest names from the worlds of digital leadership, communications and journalism, meaning that winning one of these awards truly recognise leading-edge PR and communications work.


2024 Pricing:

Campaign and Team Categories
Member early bird entry: £270+VAT
Non-member early bird entry: £320+VAT
Member standard entry: £310+VAT
Non-member standard entry: £360+VAT

Digital Professional of the Year Award
PRCA Member £100 + VAT  / Non-member £125 + VAT

Multiple entry discount: Submit two entries and receive your third entry free
(Not applicable to Digital Professional of the Year award category).
Email after submitting your entries to claim this offer.

Key Dates:

2024 Categories

Campaign Awards

Best Digital Marketing Campaign 

This category is aimed at establishing the best campaign or programme that has used digital marketing. In particular the judges will be looking for campaigns or ongoing programmes that demonstrate innovative uses of digital advertising, SEO/PPC, websites/microsites, mobile apps, chat bots etc. Details of the campaign, including outcomes achieved and approximate budget, should be included in the submission.


Best Social Media Campaign – Sponsored by CARMA

This category is aimed at establishing the best campaign or programme that has used social media channels. Details of the campaign, including outcomes achieved and approximate budget, should be included in the submission.


Best Use of Audio in a Campaign

This category is aimed at establishing the most creative use of audio as a communication tool in a digital campaign. This could be (but is not limited to) short or long-form podcasts and/ or live recordings. Details of the campaign, including outcomes achieved and approximate budget, should be included in the submission. Both consultancies and in-house teams, or a combination of both, may enter this category.


Best Use of a Communication Tool in a Campaign

This category is aimed at establishing the most creative use of a communication tool in a brand campaign. This could be (but is not limited to) Snapchat, Pinterest, Facebook Live, or chat bots. Details of the campaign, including outcomes achieved and approximate budget, should be included in the submission.


Best Use of Content Marketing in a Campaign

This category is aimed at establishing the best campaign or programme that has used content marketing (defined as a marketing activity that has a hero or hub piece of content at its core). The judges will need to see evidence of the strategy, production, and execution of the campaign. This could be a one-off campaign or an ongoing content programme. Details of the campaign, including outcomes achieved and approximate budget, should be included in the submission.


Best Use of Paid Media in a Campaign

This category is aimed at establishing the most creative and effective use of paid media in a digital PR campaign or programme. Details of the campaign, including outcomes achieved and approximate budget, should be included in the submission.


Best Use of Reporting and Measurement in a Campaign – Sponsored by CARMA

This category is aimed at establishing the best digital or social campaign or programme that has used reporting and measurement. You should detail how the reporting or measurement programme was innovative, how it was conceived and the benefits gained. This could be a one-off campaign or for an ongoing programme. Details of the campaign, including outcomes achieved and approximate budget, should be included in the submission.


Best Use of Social Influencers in a Campaign – Sponsored by PoliMonitor

An influencer is an individual who has the power to affect decisions of others because of his/her authority, knowledge, position or relationship with his/her audience. This category is aimed at establishing the best campaign or programme that has used social influencers. Details of the campaign, including outcomes achieved and approximate budget, should be included in the submission.


Best Use of Video in a Campaign

This category is aimed at establishing the most creative and effective use of video in a digital PR campaign or programme. This could be short or long-form and/or live. Judges will be looking for examples of work that have engaged online audiences and can prove ROI. Details of the campaign, including outcomes achieved and approximate budget, should be included in the submission.

Individual Awards

Digital Professional of the Year 

This prestigious category is aimed at identifying and celebrating the overall best digital PR and communications professional of the year. Entries should be sanctioned by the nominee’s director or immediate line manager. Endorsements from colleagues will be taken into account. As part of the entry the nominee’s CV should be included.

Team Awards

Digital Agency of the Year – Sponsored by Reuben Sinclair

This prestigious category is aimed at identifying and celebrating the overall top consultancy that performs digital and social media activities for its clients. Factors which will be taken in to account during judging this award will include growth in digital fee income, client and staff satisfaction, and retention. Endorsements from clients and details of other awards won will be taken into account.


In-house Digital Team of the Year

Awarded to the in-house digital/communications team which has made an outstanding contribution towards achieving the objectives of their employer. Details of digital-related projects, campaigns undertaken, and outcomes achieved, should be included in the submission.

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